This game prototype represents how gender work within different species in this world, in form of a board game.
To be more specific, the species we are looking at are called anemonefish or also clownfish.
clownfish are all born males and the dominant male of a group will turn female when the female of that group dies.
However, in this game, we have bent the rules a little to balance it out and also make it fun to play.


1. Each player places Female version at starting point and take turns.
2. Players role the die, who ever gets the Death Symbol first, gets to start
3. Female clownfish can either bear a new character on its neighbour field (male or female).
If skull is rolled, the new born dies and no new character is placed.
4. Step on a yellow field, roll the die to change gender. If skull falls, operation fails and you die.
5. Kill an enemy character by landing on its field


FEMALE (Red/Magenta): 1 (One) Field
MALE WORM (Blue/Purple): 2-3 (Two to three) Fields


Destroy your oponent or reach your oponents base with one character